MOJAB was founded as an engineering and projects execution company in 2004 in Amman, Jordan. Also, as an integrated trading platform for MV/HV electrical distribution networks and industrial plants we offer a wide variety of Electrical Equipment, Industrial Automation Instruments, Telecommunication cables and accessories and Renewable energy solutions.
MOJAB has proven it's leading role in these sectors.
Our Company will continue to adhere to the business philosophy of customer satisfaction, optimize internal project management, improve product quality and service system, provide quality and efficient services to customers and make contribution for power development.
Established in

Electrical Equipment
MOJAB supply all medium and high voltage components satisfying all parts for any utilities, industries and projects regarding the electrical sector.

Power System testing Solutions
We as MOJAB provides innovative testing, diagnosis and monitoring solutions for electrical energy systems leading an edge technology of excellent quality.

Industrial Automation
MOJAB offers level controls, intelligent flow controls for process industries, non-contact radiometric measurement systems that provide measurement solutions for the harshest environments

Electrical and Mechanical Instruments
Our working field also includes providing of metering equipment for all utilities, Instrument transformers, spare parts, enclosures and more.

Renewable Energy
Providing sustainable energy solutions for powering a greener tomorrow.

Supplying of fiber optics cables and it's equipment.

For any inquiries, quotations or questions, please call: +962 (6) 5532 628 or fill out the following form
Head Office
Ziad Al Dabbas Complex, Abdullah Bin Rawahah St 19, Amman, Jordan.
General Manger:
Eng. Mohhanna Aljabiry
Finance & Administrative Manager:
Telefax: +962 (6) 553 262 8
Mobile: +962 796 533 888
Head of Sales Department:
Eng. Bilal Harb
Email: B.harb@mojab.net
Tel: +962 (6) 5532 628
Mobile: +926 797 309 265